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Happy CareerSary


Time flies too fast!! Pejam celik pejam celik. Year 2017 to the end! and now, WELCOME 2018!! ANDDDDDD, im feel stress a bit! Mana tak nya, bermakna umur makin meningkat, while certain of my 'THE-EVERYONE-MUST-IN-BUSKETLIST' doesnt come true yet. (-.-!) and actually, i really not comfortable to discuss about it coz it will makes me embarrassing, shy, stress, a bit down and perasan some more!! HEKS~

BUT, i do love to say a lots about my CAREER!! Even im still at d same place since 2011 (o.O!!), but im blessed! Alhamdulillah, im so proud of it! Well, CURRENTLY, there is so many -ve vibes out there, who and whom trying SO HARD tarnished everything that 'we' build, do not know why they are not HAPPILY MOVE ON?! (0.O!!) Anyhow, I believe that Allah's will mengatasi segalanya. Im still hope and praying for the best. May the FORCE be with you Mr T!

03.01.2011 - My 1st day in here.. Starting with position as a Personal Assistant to CEO/GMD for 3 years ++. (funny tho, coz im an architecture graduate. :p). Then, alhamdulillah has been promoted to a Corporate Affairs Assistant Manager (for 3 years++)

and today...

03.01.2018 - Officially 7th Years! SO dah boleh graduate upper high school tak ni? hehe. I guess long way to go.. HOHO. Im still keep learning everyday, every moment, on every single task given.. There is no such things that im IN COMFORT ZONE. But yeah, i admit, my life not so challenging, is like having battle with uncomfortable (new) environment or etc. Thats good enough i guess. Just living my life happily gitu.. And my current position is as a Corporate Relation Officer. (Ada orang tnye, ak ni naik atau turun pangkat? hmm, assume la whatever you want, janji gaji tak kurang, keje tak banyak! eh!!)

Thank you for having me Mr T! Im glad to serve you and hoping for the great success ahead!

We can do it!


Saja throwback.. Good Start for 2012.. and this year? perhaps. heks~

People changes.. memory dont..~

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