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MissyMemoirs: 10.07.17 | 6 Syawal 1438H

Alhamdulillah. My lil bro + wife's little khalifah has safely arrived at 4.30++ am (im not really sure d exact time coz im having my niceee sleep on dat time. hekhek).

CONGRATS hangpa berdua!! <3 <3 <3 Semoga kelahiran anak ini make ur life even brighter!

Muhammad Imran Bin Muhammad Hussaini Bin Mazlan Zulkifli Bin Mohd Noor

This lil man really cant wait to see us, i guess. He popped out 2 weeks earlier than estimated date. Hadiah advance anniversary for his mom and dad gituu~ Tapi, kluar2 jer, asik tidooooo jer. menyusu pon x. sedap tidoq bwh aircond bak kata nenekVogue hg!. hihi~ Bile nenek mai, cium tium die bru nk buka mata, senyum2. alakkk~ u make me melting la Imran!

Tido jer budak ni. abes nak buat apa lagi kan. haha. Tapi bile dengar suara nenek cakap2 dgn die, walau pejam mata, imran ade senyum laa. Ade time, mulut die mcm kena 'pout'. alaakk. seriusly im adore with chuu~ ibarat dibius cinta gitu. hihi

AbgAmir and KakakYa also seem so excited with imran. sebok je nk pegang dan pangku babyAn jugak. Rasa mcm depa 2 ni dh besar sgt! huhu~

Huwarghh~ adek ak pon apa kurang nye. Dulu, mse kecik2, musuh ketat ak ni. ekekeke. NOW, dah jadi ayah dah die. hukhuk~ HOW times flies too fast!! and im getting old, before my time! (T__T)

Pandai ayah tepok2 anak bg baby burrpp after menyusu. ;)

NenekVogue and cucu2 nyaa~

13.08.2017 | SON-day | AtokHisma's Crib, Semenyih

Sebelum dan selepas dibotakkan. hehe. Aii dah rindu terukk ni! hukhuk

Love u syg mama. i cant wait to gomoiii2 lagii u as soonest!! *smoochessss*

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