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MissyMemoirs: OctFest'17


My handsome young man turns 7th this year! wee~ dah besar dah anak bujang ak ni. Im feel so old.. kohkoh~ My family just arranged the small birthday bash (as always) as to celebrate d besday boii and as gathering all family member gitu~

By d way, kitorg celebrate sehari awal --21.10.2017 -- Dinner time, due to hari ahad merupakan "HARI BUSY" utk besday boii. busy sungguh die! schedule pack dgn activitiy. lol.

Our official spot for photography session.

TIME BAIK, kemain request nak suap2. TIME GADO, SCARYY!! masing2 naik hantu, sume saka keluar. huh~

while their another mate-- zZzZz~

Then, lepas makan.. masa yg di tunggu2!!~

Surprise gift for..

EVERY lil monters~

Motif: Kang ada tak dapat, sentap menyentap dan peperangan akan berlaku.. YA, i can predict thats gonna be happen. (-.-!!)

When, at 1st, i only give the present to the birthday boy..

Me: Nah abg. Happy Birthday!!! utk Kak Yah xde la, ni kan birthday abg..~

Mom: Hg ni..! kesian kak Yah.! Beli la utk die skali!

*At d moment, muka sedih and kecewa Kak Yah dah nampak dah tu..~*

Me: Dah hagakkk dahhh. Ni, ada la utk sumeeeee. uwerk!! *Yes, berjaya prank make a drama* HIHI

Acah2, baca sweet message from me. WHILE sebenarnya, dorg nak dengar lagu from dat card jer tu.. which is, dorg dah request siap2, mase menyibuk lepak kat bilik ak several weeks before. Siap request lagi k, "Abg nak yg ni!" Then i said, "OK, your birthday is around the corner, sure ill give u then", suddenly Kak Yah asked me, "Adek punya?" Hmm.. yela2..~ dapat la skali ni, sempena birthday abg.. (-.-!)

I LOVE <3 <3 <3 this picture!!

My 3 ketul kesayangan, heartbeats, nyawa, intan payung, LILmontersss~ (0_O!!)

AND.. actually di sebalik tabir pembikinan for this great picture..~

Imran cebikkk. tak sporting! duhh. HIHI~ Naseb hangpa la dapat makcik kuat snap2 ni. every moment ak nak snap. nanti dah besar, nak throwback2 moment, jangan lupa credit to mamaYa k!!


My cute lil boii try his new shoe.

"Yayy, ada kasut sama kaler kasut AyahMak yg beli kat Korea aritu..~" Imran bersiul keriangan.

Bersiul? Haa, tgk mulut die tuu. suke senyum simpul mcmtu. im MELTINGGG~

And there is a gift for Imran's lil sis too (kembar muda sebulan--anak adek mak Imran.hihi)~

Abg's and Kak Yah's present.

ANDDD.. what a surpise when i received REPLY notes from birthday boii! Oh Boii! Kak Yah yg "tolong cakapkan" kat ak, on behalf her brother. "Mama tgk ni!!"

I wrote..

"Dear my Handsome Boy!


When you turn 7 years old, everything gets seven times better

and you get seven times more SUPER POWER!

May your 7th year bring you

ALL THE LUCK this world has to




Birthday Boi replied..

<3 I love mamaya.

I turns siapa (o.O!!)

ada kek saya (ayoyoo!)

tujun (haha) tahun.

Im Super Power syamir.

So funny tho, coz ayat die berterabur, but Im so touch syg Mama! <3

Siap tiru tu, ak buat "S" gune logo Superman.

And, Kak Yah requested to abg, to make reply notes for her too..~

I wrote..



Neither today nor this months is YOUR BIRTHDAY XP

But to be "fair".. :p

I have something for you too!

HAPPY 5th years 5th months"


"Birthday Girl" replied (tapi mintak abg buatkan sbb die xpandai eja lagi. HAHA. mcm2 peel bdk2 ni)..

Adek cute girl!!

SAFIYYAH you Power Bat Girl (o.O!!)

the flying!!!

Bet <3 <3<3 <3

Mula2 ak tak faham, kenapa ada "Bat Girl", and Ibu explained, "sbb ko tulis sini Abg, logo -- SUPERMAN, so adek BATGIRL la (BATMAN).." lol!! HIHI. otak ligat betul birthday boii ni.

Corat coret, after dinner activity..

Abg "bodek" paksu for another gift, i guess. HAHA

Waiting for NovemberFever plaks nii.. celebrate Birthday MakAyah Imran.~ wee~

Keturunan mmFamily (^^.) both so cute huh!~

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