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MissyMemoirs: UnExpected HIJRAH

Hampir sebulan dah berhijrah di tempat "not so new" for me. Re arrange organization dah mcm every 3 years sekali plak.(-.-!) Rasa PENAT x abes, bile kena packing, re packing, and packing back. bluerghh~. Dengan 'kena setel' tinggalan org.---"Org TAK MACAM KITA mie,", kata kawan2 seperjuangan ak (coz we always facing ALMOST d same problemSss - well, we were at d same boat i guess) and YES, I AGREED!

Macam2 kata sinis, pandangan yg menjengkelkan, dan terjadinya perkara2 yg mengguris hati, namun ak rasa ak 'cukup kuat' kot skrg ni compare to past several years. Like seriously. Mungkin umur yg MAKIN meningkat antara faktor pemikiran dan "acceptance" ak turut berubah. (--!) Ape2 pon, syukur alhamdulillah atas nikmat yg diberi dan dapat rasa diri ni is like 'valuable'. Tu dah cukup memadai, to motivate and lift up my spirit.

My Apprentice/Buddy/Teammate/LilSis

Last Day 29.09.17

Seriously, im feel so sad for her. Hanya dapat kenal dan berkerjasama dalam setahun ++. Ak yg interview dia, choose her and fight for her spot in my previous dept. Tu rasa mcm agak ralat '"tak dapat selamatkan" die.. Ape2pon, i wish you all d best sis! AND i know you will be d GREAT PERSON out there, COZ you have something special regards your talent!

Saje up gmbr, nk bgtau, that day was our last BREAKFAST TOGETHER with our favorite dishes, tosai garing. Since she "left" me, ak dah jarang sgt2 brekpes kt mamaks tu. Sebab nye xde geng, and some more rasa sedih tetibe bile ada anne mamaks tu buat "unofficial report" to my buddy -- "yesterday, she ate alone here ". deyy anne! LOL. boleh tak, jgn ingatkan ak, yg ak ni dah jadi macam kera sumbang skrgggg!! (-_-!)

Picture with my another sis, who leave d organization too~

By KN!!, d girl with d same name as mine, Nadia(with H). till we meet again and again!!

Last but not least, ofcoz I prepared something nice for her. Even not so nice la kot. Sebab i guess, die tak suke kumpul benda2 cmni. haha. Tapi, i had done with all my heart, ditemani si PAs (aka pengacau2 AbgAdik) yg setia tuu.

Mula2 abg jer datang, pastu mai pulakkk sorang lagi. alahaiii~

Hope that, when you look at dis thing, you'll remember me as i always remember you..~

Ok siap testimoni, hihi, as acknowledgement and to approve her abilities, gituu~

Sebak jugak rasa masa ni, even nmpk mcm "main2".

"SO LONG my old workplace"..

Even.. Monday-Friday, im still "meet you"..

Im gonna miss my old territory..

Im gonna miss "my cave"

and Im gonna miss this signage (lol) coz no more Corporate Affairs Office, for d moment..~

NOW.. dah jadi hak milik "orang lain" wuu~

AND Halo! My new territory!..

So, i "got a lobby" too. WoW!

AND I guess it is an area to me to golek2 buat--tender, ad hoc taskS with a bulky of documentation.


Actually it is quite OK! , coz this place is so cozy and restricted area.

I love this kind of environment too i guess. hihi~

Takes almost a week jugak utk ak re-construct this area yg agak disaster before. (-_-!)

As my mom said, "hang kan architect pencen awal, so ape ada hal" ..

Last but not least..

GoodBye Whiteyy and Hi my new toy - BLACKYY.

Mmg total changes abess ni.. coz I got new 'teammate' to be working on together too!

Thank you IT man. tak request pon, tetibe dapat laptop "baru" with bigger space for storage. Kalo tak dulu kemain susah nak dapat. KAHKAH.

SO, hope with this EVERYTHING NEW, make me a NEW PERSON for not so NEW CHALLENGING.

Wish me luck!

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