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Saje nak habaq, tarikh harini cantik kan.?! :p So harini is a MUST day untuk blog! HAHA. - nak make something for the date to be remember gitu~

The best feeling ever when we FEEL in our gut instinct that people appreciate ourselves, aiyte. :)

Im glad that Allah surrounds me with good people. IN their HEART, ACTIONS (manner) to me, and EVERYTHING good bout them.

KINDNESS is the most important element in our lives. Orang kata;

"Do good, and the good things will come to you."


Ak takdelah mengharapkan exactly people balas atas ke"baik"an yg ak buat utk mereka. Cuma sekadar "PERTOLONGAN" di masa ak "SUSAH" dah cukup cukup memadai. Kerana sebagai manusia biasa, and even im a so-called- "INDEPENDENT" lady, ak juga PERLU pertolongan daripada org lain, untuk suatu ketika.. hukhuk~

People say:

"Never expect anything in return from anyone. But the truth is when we really love someone, we naturally expect a little care and love from them."

Anyway , Im also feel bless when people LOVES "so-called-appreciation" things yang ak buat/berikan pada mereka. Alhamdulillah for this feeling. Sometimes rasa sebak pon ada.

Soft-hearted betul kan. (cengeng

Sedikit coretan buat diriku untuk kenang2an di masa hadapan.

Andai kata otak ak dah tak mampu nak simpan memori dengan sempurna / jayanya nanti.. (-.-!)


Alkisahnye kan, ada suatu hari ni, lepas makan2, tapi cerite tak abes sembang lagi.. hikhik. Ak pon rasa tak puas jugak mumbling this & that issues, maka tercetuslah satu monthly activity WAJIB kami. Kadang2 some of our buddies also joined us. Best kalo dapat kumpul ramai2 but I have to face d reality that everyone ade timing msg2. Mereputlah ak keseorangan kalo dorang sume busy. Haish~

Sebab rasa tak mampu nak belanja SELALU as my buddy did to me, so ak terfikir nak bagi something meaningful for my buddy to keep reminisce bila kitorang separate nanti.

Who can promise for tomorrow kan. Alhamdulillah. Dia kata so impressed and touching with my such of sweet notes and gifts.

AND you know what - - BUDDY, im so touched too when you accepted my small gifts and showing that you appreciated my efforts. Sebab ak rasa orang yang matang mcm kau ni surely dont bother this kind of budak2 thingy. As you always remind me this n that AND encourage me to see d world with d broad minded, in d bigger picture. uwerkks. HAHA. anyway, Please keep it nicely ya.!!

Gigih tau ak buat untuk kau ni. :p

Some time in April

Hadiah untuk adek ak sorang ni, lupa nak snap gambar. and actually gambar2 atas tu pon got it from my buddy. hihi~ and my adek also did gave something to me on my birthday..~

Some time in May 2017

This is SO MEANINGFUL to me!~ And I will always remember "The Year I Met You" too sis~ As my cikgu, she always helps me in my writing - grammatical and pronunciation. THANKYOU!

AND my buddy, OFCOZ "tak ketinggalan" gave me this. ADOYY mmg tak boleh blah. Kata die, "When I look this thing, its really LOOKS SO YOU. Waiting for your Prince Charming kan.. Nah!"

- - Mangkok punya kawan!! HAHA. But it is really cute! I LOVES it! Some more nampak that cute doll tu mcm PRINCE. Patutlah tak muncul2, dalam balang kaca rupa2 nya.. alaaaaakkk!!!

Memang "IT IS SO ME", coz I love to collect this kind of thing. I did mentioned in my previous post kan, yang bilik ak dah macam muzium! Tak sabar nak stay kat rumah sendiri. :p AND I will place this cute thing on d GuestBook's table for my OWN wedding nanti (berangan sat. heks).

AND d another gift from the same buddy..

Presenting to youuu~

*drums roll*

I laugh like crazy sampai keluar la air mata when I opened the box. *terburai gelak* Ingat apa la dalam tu, kek pulakk!! It is really tasteful nyumnyummylicious!! and nice deco tho. Another gift of SO CALLED ME with my favourite tagline. COOL! Haha!

Me and my niece sharing same month of birth, so kite sharing the cake as well la k, sayangMama. Dia so excited sebenarnya, but dont know why in this picture she looks moody. uwerkk~ blurr die kejap when we sang the Birthday Song to her. Die tanya."Eh, ape ame kakaYa" (Eh, kenapa nama KakakYa-panggilan untuk die sbb very soon nak dapat adek! weee~).

The month of MAY memang COOL kan. hekhek. TOO many occasion can be celebrate together. Well dulu ak tak suka combine2 event, tapi bila DAH START pay everything with my own money, kira best la jugak combine2 celebration, hadiah, etc2 ni. Jimat duet masa semua. HIHI.

Sambut sekali lah HARI IBU (even hari2 OK! ak appreciate. :p) buat Mak tercinta, Kakak tersayang, and AdeqIpaq terkasih (eh?!XD) yang bakal jadi ibu untuk anak sendiri sikit masa lagi.

Then, we went to makan SEDAP SEDAP at The Garage KL. Kat sini jer I dapat belanja buat masa sekarang.. Nanti kita p kat tempat lagi best yer koranggg! I HEART you guys damn much!

*smooch smooch*~

Okay, saje nk feeling2 sikit sebab ak rasa this guy looking at me all the way he sang the song..


Then, here we go.. a sweet note from another buddy..

Thanks babe! and I know kau curi gambar mana! HAHA. It is really SAWITTT sangat. coz took your time by making and editing this lovely artwork. THANKYOU.THANKYOU love.

The rest, they gave me d sweet notes, messages and doas. Alhamdulillah and THANKYOU so much for the lovely words for me. I AM really appreciate it! *nanges*

AND, after Im taking a long leaves last weekend, masuk office jer, dapat 'HADIAH" lagi. hekhek. From TNB Janamanjung - JMFR's committee. Wah, kali ni, d committee bagi tshirt MAHAL pulak siap medal sorang satu untuk my team and d bosess!! HAHHH, mesti "korang" rasa tak best kan, team dari company ak tak buka booth for this year! MERAJUK! kah!

Sebab ada lebih, ak tak lupa jasa kawan2 ak dari cawangan2 berkaitan yang penat lelah bantu ak and my team bagai nak rak selama kami kena "berkerja lebih masa" untuk jayakan event JMFR yang berlangsung SETIAP TAHUN itu.

So here we go..

ADA apa dalam tu? Biarlah rahsia kami. HIHI. sebab hadiah tak dapat nak bagi sama rata. Tapi I did mentioned kat atas tu kan. LOL. Ikut "weighing" laa, sapa tolong banyak, ak priority kan. Janji dapat. HUHU.

THANK YOU sebab "touchee touchee" dengan surat ak. I AM just wanna tell you guys yang ak memang sayang and appreciate efforts korang semuaaa sebab tak jemu and TAK SERIK (yang semestinya) berpenat lelah buat kerja sungguh2 (memang bersungguh dah, kalau siap gergaji kayu - make a stage/platform, barricade d booth & pungpang pungpang bagai) even bukan task korang. hukhuk~ THANKS layan demand hakak ni. Iolls kan JAGA corporate image & branding. Harus begitu~ hikhik.

Best kan perasaan itu.. bila kita saling HARGAI, MENGHARGAI DAN DIHARGAI. :)

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