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Delayed Post!

Hihi. coz im waiting d lovely pictures from d bride's official photog. (^^!!)

Alhamdulillah, on 3rd Syawal (8.7.16 -- sempena tahun kelahiran d brides; 87's babies) my archyBFF, Syamim tie a knot with d man that she found from 'kayangan'. like serious! -- ;) but too bad, i cant attend one of her special moment of life. Sorry. (--!) Sibuk nk raya lagi masa tuu~

Then, she 'proposed' me to be her bridesmaid for d wedding reception on Dec, 12. Luckily, my another archymate also has been 'proposed' too. So ade kwn la nk travel together to Negeri Jelapang Padi tu. yayy!

So, after a long plan, d day has come. Alang2 dh attend kenduri kn, so i decided nk lend hand to helps d bride on her wedding reception. As usual, my part as to arrange the GuestBook's corner and Candy's bar as well. Im so inLOVES with ARTs. and it's become my specialty anyway. ade la talent skit2 nk give a hand dlm sesuatu majlis (family, relatives & friends).

11.12.16 (Sunday)

Actually, a day before, me and YanaSinkiz ;) , sleepover at her sister's house in Kuala Kangsar. Pagi2 ahad, baru shoot ke Aloq Setaq. Dgn hujan renyai2 yg menemani kami, really makes me sedikit cuak to drive. Jalan ke utara kan agak berbelok2 dan menaik bukit due to menelusuri gunung ganang yg ditarah. Dgn angin lintang bagai. PLUS several accident happened dpn mata di sepanjang perjalanan kami dr KL - Kuala Kangsar (10.12.16), Kuala Kangsar - Alor Setar (11.12.16), buat ak seriauuuu.~ huwarghh! ANYWAY, im so proud of myself coz dh boleh drive jauh2 even i prefer berteman laa. berdua lebih baik kan. huhu~ i love and enjoy driving anyway. Ada skali, ak drive Fortuner 4WD dr Penang ke KL, coz my colleagues dh xtahan mengantuk sgt. Nervous jugak la, sbb dat time jalan menuruni bukit dan condition kete tu rs beratt. (o.O)

On d nite before d wedding reception took place.

Alhamdulillah for our great 11 years of friendships and still counting! Even tho we're not always keep in touch due to our 'busyness', but im so glad having u girls. *smooch*

12.12.16 (Monday)

Haa, ak pon terkejut kwn ak buat majlis hari isnin! Sempena Maulud Nabi katanye. Pagi tu, both of us pegi dewan dgn mama Syamim, sbb kereta ku jadi kereta pengantin.

On dat day, im wearing Baju Kebaya modern -- design by me. kah! (kain baju & tudung sponsored by d bride & her mom ; while kain pelikat dari Bali (rsnye) sponsored by eX. (--.!) Walau hati rs berat nk pakai, but i've no choice. Dah last min sgt nk pegi cari lain, and have to antar jahit segera. Dok selongkar2 khazanah yg dismpn rapi, terjumpa brg2 pemberian, kena plak dgn baju. (--!)

Nmpk muda kan mama syamim. Hopefully, i'll also looks young and vogue! at her age nnt. hikhik.

Nadia and Raihana

Kwn balik KL sama2 at UiTM Perak dulu | kwn p plotting/printing drawing | kwn gaduh |

kwn makan kwn. haha

what a precious moment to remember at those struggling years in archy's field

sweet words from mama syamim for her one & only daughter

us with d cute bride. she's pregnant, tu nmpk chubby byk tu. ;) hee~

d bridesmaids pose at d Candy's bar

Di atas pelaminan. Another archymate on d left, Pijah & fam. ank die yg sulung tu petah btul ckp. Soalan2 die and d way she reply tuu, eeii geram rs nk gigit2. Awat cute sgt!!

Gift from me, as a prop for GuestBook booth's as well. Im glad d brides love it. -- order from Quillingbysheila (FB) <3, one of my talented friend.

After d wedding reception, d brides asked us to join d outdoor photo session at Masjid Al-Bukhari Alor Malai. We spend for almost an hour for that session, before heading back to KL ptg tu. A bit rushing balik sbb cik YanaSinkiz ni ade mtg keesokan harinye, while ak masih bercuti lg due to d State holiday~

By d way, I love all the pictures taken by d professional photog, Ben.


BarakAllah. Semoga kehidupan hangpa sentiasa dibawah lindunganNya.

“A happy marriage has two people who LOVE EACH OTHER very much and are committed to bringing out the best in each other.”

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