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MissyMeTour: KOREA suMMer Trip - DAY 5

Day 5 at SouthKorea

We went to the MOST WANTED my childhood's dream place to go...


Located in Chuncheon province, 2 hours from Seoul, Nami Island is a man-made island which are very close to nature and full with unique arts. You can try bungee-jumping or flying-fox across the lake to enter the island. Take 10 minutes ferry ride from the mainland. If you are a Korean Drama fans, this is a must visit place as it is the place where the legendary “Winter Sonata:” drama was shot.

AdeqIdham kata, pulau ni adalah sumbangan dari Negara2 under UNESCO and Malaysia is d one of it. From GuestHouse, kitorg naik bas, then turun di stesen Kereta Api Gapyeong. Tggu almost 1 hour jugak laa, sbb kitorg terlambat pagi tu, dan terlepas tren waktu yg kitorg beli (AdeqIdham beli online).

Kami at Yongsan Station heading to Gapyeong Station. Cant wait to have our Summer Sonata!

Sekitar suasana Stesen Yongsan. Teringat cerite TRAIN to Busan. scary tho.. haha. but im feel so geram jugak tgk muvie tu, coz pelakon2 tu mcm agak lembab nk bertindak, lps tu sengaja tempah maut n etc2. WELL, nk dijadikan cter kan.. (--;)

Ak nmpk byk jugak Korean pakai army suit kat sini, and i guess dorg tu yg kena p Latihan Khidmat Negara. (preparation if dorg kena serang dgn NorthKorea). Lupa nk cter, ak perasan, di setiap Subway station yg ak naik hari2 sepanjang trip ak di SouthKorea ni, ade satu kabinet kaca dipenuhi dengan MASK. Difahamkan, tu antara persediaan utk hadapi sebarang kemungkinan jika Kota Seoul diserang. Walaupun xbanyak, means xdapat occupied utk sume citizen, tp sekurang2 nya usaha dan pemikiran Kerajaan SouthKorea ini sgt advance! Utk lebih lanjut, boleh baca di SINI!

Sampai ke di Stesen Gapyeong, kitorg naik taxi instead of bas utk ke ferry station pula. xjauh pon, dlm 5mins TAPI kena naik kenderaan. berpeluh ketiak kang if nk jalan. hihi~ AND sebab ade 5 people of us, kena split into 2 taxi(s).


1. Taxi can occupied only max 4 guests, not more than dat. The taxi driver WONT compromise for any. I cant remember how much we pay, sbb sume AdeqIdham yg uruskan. heee~ sng kn. our package we took with d agent is all-in-one. so rasanya sgt2 berbaloi. xperlu fikir public transport fees semuaaaa~

Comel jer ferry yg nk kitorg p Nami Island ni. hee~

Suasana dalam feri di bahagian atas. Ak rasa dorg xbuat byk seat sbb nk occupied se MAX people to fill in. Pengunjung Nami Island ni mmg ramai and xputus2! Nami Island famous LEPAS citer Winter Sonata Meletup2 kebaboom. If not, dulu, xde org even Korean care bout this island. (menurut cter tourguide kami)

Dah sampai Nami Island! weeee~ in d picture, mom nk take d moment with Malaysia's Flag.

Hotspot at Nami Island.

Nami Island also known as Naminara Republic.

Having our lunch at Asian Family Restaurant. Di restoran ni , ade disediakan surau. Senang kan. Lps lunch, solat jamak then baru jalan2 sekitar island.

Dis is my dishes. Nyum2. merasa jugaklah makan ayam di bumi sonata ni.. hukhuk~ Plain water mmg included in every meal di restoran2 SouthKorea ni. boleh tambah seberapa banyakk yg anda sukaaa. Healthy sgt kn. say no to SUGAR!

After finished our meal and solat, kitorg pon jalan2 lah d sekitar island ni. Ikutkan too many activities can be done here, as in naik kereta api to see d animals (mini zoo here), bicycle riding, riadah etc2. but we all hanya jalan, and take d picture with d statues. Mom said she xberapa minat pegi sini, maybe coz she is not KDrama fans tho~

STOP everyone. Lets wefiee first! XD

while waiting mom and AdeqIpaq buy d souvenir, i'd ask my lovely lilBro took dis picture. hihi~

Coffee2. Before continue our journey exploring this island.

Me with d YooJin & JunSang statue.

AK suke gmbr ni, sbb nmpk diriku tinggi bak model dan ramping gituu~ hihi

Me with d YooJin & JunSang poster pulakk. XD Actually xabes explore pon Island ni. Sbb dah xlarat nk jalan2. Hopefully after this, I will come here with my, hmm2.. hubster. ;) and nk p musim salji or autumn plak nnt. Hope Allah makbulkan permintaanku ini. AMIINN :)

While waiting our ferry to fetch us going back home, we played around with d artificial snowmans.

Then, we had our dinner at restaurant in Seoul. Perjalanan dr Gapyeong Station to Seoul amik masa dlm 2 hours. Restoran ni agak famous and IN A MUST LIST if Malaysian come to Seoul. AK rasa ni sekitar MyeongDong. Nama restoran? nahhhh. xamik tau plak... hheee~

So, sbb ade 5 org, ade 2 chef masakkan nasi goreng depan mata. Too many. xabes pon. huhu~ But2, looks down.. Ours (me & mom) got so special food deco..~

hihi ThankYou Mr Chef~ i heart you too~

AND kat cni, appertizer nye best! green apple peeling with mayonnaise. wahh, teringat2 rs die yg enak tuu. recommended cuba!


A famous street for youngsters. A place where you can buy fashionable stuff which you seen on every Korean Drama and Korean Girl or Boy Group. If you a die-hard fans of K-Pop, you will spend a lot on CD’s and merchandise of your famous Kpop Stars.

Kat sini, harga barang2 nye agak pricy. But here, famous dgn cosmestics products. mcm2 ada. sapa yg mmg gila Korean cosmestic, tmpt ni heaven utk anda. ade discount, so OK2laa. murah compare uolls beli online kann. :)


1. Most recommended shopping at Nandaemun Market utk souvenirs.

2. If nk buy cosmestic products, MyeongDong is d best place sbb BANYAKKKKK gila choice. (if you are KoreanProduct's user). Aloevera products dorang boleh tahan bagus. and at MyeongDong got discounts almost all d times xsilap ak. Best tuuu~ ;)

3. Mainan here agak pricy, menyesal xgrab kt Nandaemun aritu, so bli kipas je la (walaupun rs err, xberbaloi) utk my 2 lil montas.

4. Hati2 beli food street kt sini (for Muslim guide).

If nak beli local food/street food kena hati2. Even xjual ba alif ba ya, xsemestinye HALAL tau. rare la jumpa tanda halal, TAPI still ade halal food there. ak beli bahulu (kot nama dia), berbentuk ikan emas perisa kaya & coklat kt situ. sedap! ADA TANDA HALAL kt signboard nye, Elakkan beli makanan goreng like potato crisps on a stick. mmg nmpk sedap tapi.. (-.-!) kempunan tau iolls d situ..~

Last but not least before going home, amik family photo se snap dua for kenang2 an. This is our last nite sightseeing at Seoul City. sbb esknye kitorg just spend time at Edae (GuestHouse) area aje..~

Then, we are heading back to our GuestHouse by bus.

THANKYOU AdeqIdham for your guidance and kesabaran anda melayan karenah kami. hiuhiu~ Till we meet again. On Day 6, AdeqIdham dah x guide kami coz it is a Free & Easy day (based on itinerary).

Dah nak abes dh entry SouthKoreaTrip ni.. sabaq naa. hahaa. last entry, insyaAllah as soooonest! hikhik~


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