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MissyMeTour: KOREA suMMer Trip - DAY 3

Heyy im back! What a lazinesss happened to me to blog! hihi. so, continue our journey story.. wehuuu~

Day 3 at SouthKorea

Hari ni.. kitorg di bawa...

Hanouk Village

The weather is so hot! so, im not 'into' to take d scenery and moment so much. panaihh litlit baq hg!. huhu~ mmg kami rentung abes on dat day.

One of the house at Hanouk Village. A place where the old Korean society lived.Witness the architecture of Korean traditional house in the village and you may try the traditional games and costumes.It is also very near to the Namsan Park which is fabulous and the home of “Seoul Time Capsule”. You can even wear the Korean traditional dress here and walk around the park and take photos that creates a beautiful memories. ;)

The models. ahaks~ i like dis scenery. tranquility! <3

The oldman with his craft using rotten i guess. creative indeed! :)

After that.. we are heading to..


Hmm. standard SuriaKLCC or Sunway shopping complex in Malaysia kott. Tak pasti la kenapa AdekIdham bawa kami ke sini. haha. SO, we juz enjoy d moment take d picture in front of the building. masuk jugak la, building ni, tp x interested nk buy ape2. (pricy kn (-.-!)) plus kitorg xplan nk shopping brg2 mahal here since bwk KRW juz nk buy authentic made in Korea thingy jer. XD

With d lady in pink~


If you come to Korea during Spring, this is the place to visit. Once a year, millions of locals and foreigners visit this place to see the blooming colorful flowers which surround in this area. It is near to KBS and SBS building and near to the parliament of Korea.

So, sbb ak p musim panas, just take a rest while feel d scenery of tranquility in d center of concrete jungle gitu..~

me and adek ipaq~

my lil bro and NIKE xdpt dipisahkan..~

d mart in Yeouido Park

while take a rest..

Berdekatan Yeouido Park, boleh singgah tgk KBS building (ibarat SriPentasTV3) yg menyajikan KDrama yg popular d Malaysia tuu~.

me n mommy at Han River. at d back, d local people usually spend their time with family and children here. mandi manda, camping in d middle of city(?) hihi~

This river is a big natural river in the middle of Seoul which is very important in terms of history and natural resources. You can take cruise here or even ride a bike along the river with other local citizens. Feel the calm and the dynamic in the middle of of a city Seoul. See the bridges and vehicles including trains that across the river every seconds which expose the routine busy and hardworking lives of Seoul Citizen.

The naughty dotter in law, copying mom's action.

Us. At d back is Han River~

Area Han River on d other side.~

On d way to have our dinner, suddenly dis lady asked us to answer A LOTS OF QUESTIONS (-.-!) for muslim's facilities improvement. Hope we helps you much on it! im so amazed coz d Korean really take care their foreigner visitor (by make an improvement by time to time). Surau yg dorg sediakan pon comfortable. i bg 5 HA.

Our dinner tonite is Kebab from Mr Kebab. hihi. it is because sume org dh xlarat nk mkn heavy dishes. 'physical' kebab (what it's look alike) tu bese tgk dh kan. so no picture taken. yg ni rare. Coke in cherry flavor. rasa die, ok2 la..

As conclusion:-


1. As per mentioned in previous entry, bawa kipas, payung, shades (summer tips) and pakai kasut bersesuaian utk berjalan. coz kt sini, kawasan utk tmpt utk visit dekat2 jer. boleh cover up to 4 5 tempat in a day.

2. For food, i guess almost same. kt mana2 pon akan saji nasi and lauk pauk yg lebih kurang same. oh ya, plus kudap2an yg hampir sama jugak. sbb tu, hari je 4, we all dh start boring nk mkn. so mkn roti aka KEBAB. :p

3. Bawak air mineral bersama if xnk spend so much money laa. sbb confirm dahaga! hee

4. Bawak botol kosong for d 'hygiene' matter. ;) recommended for d ladies especially.

Continue for the next day story soon..hihi~

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